
Aroma: There is a pear character, but not obviously fruity. It tends toward that of a young white wine. Some slight bitterness.

Appearance: Slightly cloudy to clear. Generally quite pale.

Flavor: There is a pear character, but not obviously fruity. It tends toward that of a young white wine. Some slight bitterness.

Mouthfeel: Relatively full, moderate to high tannin apparent as astringency.

Impression: Tannic. Medium to medium-sweet. Still to lightly sparkling. Only very slight acetification is acceptable. Mousiness, ropy/oily characters are serious faults.

Comments: Entrants MUST specify carbonation level (still, petillant, or sparkling). Entrants MUST specify sweetness (medium or sweet). Variety of pear(s) used must be stated.

Commercial Examples: [France] Bordelet Poire Authentique and Poire Granit, Christian Drouin Poire, [UK] Gwatkin Blakeney Red Perry, Oliver's Blakeney Red Perry and Herefordshire Dry Perry